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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Give my stuff away for free and make money. PeopleNology

The Largest
Newsletter in the World
Imagine Creating Wealth
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You can learn, right now, starting this minute, everything
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Discover Why so many people,
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Since 1976
Our Founder of Nollijy University Research
has simply been giving it away.
It's What Wealthy People Do

Sunday, February 17, 2008

PeopleNology for Business Gregory Bodenhamer Back in Control What the twentieth century never counted on was the thousands of evolutionary drivers or evolutionary triggers

PeopleNology for Business Gregory Bodenhamer Back in Control
What the twentieth century never counted on was the thousands of evolutionary drivers or evolutionary triggers that control every human being walking on earth today. Your company is made up of human beings so take the time to discover the amazing potential inside your company.  PeopleNology for Business, Nollijy for Friends.  Gregory Bodenhamer Ph.D Nollijy
Clues daily inside peoplenolgy…
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Expert Motor Freight Transportation Management

Survival - Stability - Success - Significance

Retention - Recruiting - Rewarding - Recognition



Become a PeopleNologist Today - Weekly Knowledge Delivered - Every Employee Everywhere
Free Knowledge - Around the World
Gregory L Bodenhamer’s
Foundation of Nollijy University of America

During the nineteenth century, ideas and institutions which once had appeared so solid and real...are not so real today. People, places and things have all changed very quickly and there’s a lot of confusion within the workplace and the homes in America. When consulting experts look inside your company they see systems, process controls, management graphs, operating statement, payroll systems, technology, machines, devices and other gadgets and mysteries of mankind.

You’re company struggles within driver retention, excessive advertising expenses, low productive output, extreme pricing pressures, new low cost carriers entering the market place.  Many motor freight transportation companies struggle just to survive the next payroll cycle, the next major freight claim, the next funding for the next project.  These same motor carriers have the trucks that start on cold mornings, they have cash reserves and credit lines established, technology blinks to life on dispatchers desktops and spark life in every drivers cab but, something’s not working.

Profits are a constant struggle, supervisors seem not to understand simple and mundane instructions.  Managers seem to wander in thought and actions and the planning never reaches the results you must have to prosper and win the day.

Every company struggles.  Every business is day by day but some trucking companies buy insurance for their future.  Progressive companies plan beyond the moment and reach out for better people, places and things.  Most companies have a future of 90 days or less, the amazing part is that it’s true of your company also.

Hello.  My name is Gregory Bodenhamer, I’m the Founder of PeopleNology for Business and also Nollijy for Friends.  We’re a Social Engineering Company that provides quick and sure benefits and features to motor freight trucking companies.

It seems that after 29 years of success, we’re an overnight success within the transportation segment.  We’re going to deliver to your company, absolute planning, techniques, knowledge and applications that will change the culture of your trucking company, guaranteed.

PeopleNology is a company that has been designed to be placed inside your trucking company.  We’re a plug in company that has been made affordable by national volume, decades of research, applications that work from a distance, techniques for your best people so they can learn the powerful secrets of all the people running around on your payroll.

When a PeopleNologist consultant looks inside your company we see so many different things, the vantage point not the same discovers the cracks and strains on your most important component.  PeopleNology is all about people, people from the bedrock of our history, the evolutionary people that operate and manage your company.  The bedrock needs of all your people of safety, basic necessities, acceptance by others are all in play within your organization.

PeopleNology understands the powerful forces that changes your business and what makes your employees think and feel certain ways, at certain times.   The Human Beings running around the world really have not changed that much and its time you learned the truth. 

Powerful companies in America and a few around the world understand the extreme psychology and evolutionary madness of every human being.   You can now explore the absolute knowledge you need to grow and prosper your business through the absolute power of the human mind.

The companies that understand their people will also understand their customers and future markets.  You’ll be able to attract stronger and smarter people and grow your business profits, building better products and services starts with people.

In the twentieth century, mechanization has given form to much of man experiences and the planet went wild for mechanical things, steam engines, gears and screws, factories and tall buildings.  What the twentieth century never counted on was the thousands of evolutionary drivers or evolutionary triggers that control every human being walking on earth today.

PeopleNology of America’s founder Gregory Lynn Bodenhamer has allocated over 29 years to research and study the history of mankind.  His intellectual property has been made available to private industry for profits. Greg Bodenhamer’s PeopleNology brings about people knowledge that you have never experienced.  This life’s work by our founder brings many surprises to even the experts.  PeopleNology for Business, understanding the farmer in the city that you call an employee changes everything you think and feel.  The things you thought you understood will become clear for the first time.  Employees become people again and productivity moves up and slogans are taken down.  Control charts point to greater profits and recruiting costs move down.  Product quality improves and innovations of new designs and ideas are brought to the table.  PeopleNology for Business is about people, its about you, its about all of us.

You might think you know what your biggest issues are inside your business today but it’s a lot bigger than you think, but you know for sure that some employees don’t seem to understand. Quality problems seem to never go away, employee turnover never seems to stop, productivity moves us and down like a roller coaster.  What are the real issues?

PeopleNology teaches your that our subconscious mind processes positive and negative memories you're not even aware of as it just happens without us knowing it.  Yet experts think that this information holds the key to understanding, relationships, problems, answers, new product ideas, grand new services where you might have issues today building your business.

PeopleNology will give you the means and the way to bring about conscious thinking within your business with all your people.  The 75 Secrets of The Mind, a PeopleNology publication opens the door to all your people.  Why they come and go?  Why they tend to be lazy?  What makes them get up and go?  What makes them a success first? 

One thing for sure, guaranteed, you are suppressing all your results.  You and how your people may manage the employee group is harmful to the group.  What you think about is what you’ll become and what they think about is what your company will become. You’re going to change things by changing what they think about. 

Your people are preoccupied, let there be no doubt.  They’re preoccupied with things in their life that has nothing to do with you except its very harmful to your organizational results.

Find out which area of your life your subconscious is preoccupied with and you’ll most likely find out some of the things they think about at your working business. 

Our arts hold up a mirror to our values and all you have to do is look back through history and see where we all started.  We’re not that far removed from the cave and how we think has really never left the cave.   We are from the land and seemingly trapped in the contraptions of business and most people you call employees resent this fact within their subconscious. 

Growing your business is first about understanding your people.  The most powerful companies in the world are based on people first, products second.  PeopleNology through the Greg Bodenhamer Foundation of Nollijy lets the brightest of your company grow and prosper with your enterprise.

The evolutionary drivers and triggers, found in every human being will be explored so you’ll understand how your people really think and what they think about on a subconscious level.  You’ll be amazed what people think about when you’re confident their thinking about working related topics, tasks, objectives and goals you have all over the conference room.

The machine has replaced the human being and his natural world as the motif and
theme of much of our day to day living.  Don’t drive your automobile, unplug your refrigerator, turn off your computer, disconnect the satellite dish and go sit under a tree to discover the mechanics and engineering of the modern world.  Man was not made for the machine even though man has surrounded himself/herself with every machine idea that can be converted from an idea into something helpful.

PeopleNology will give you the people power back to your business.  Your employees are worried about quality but they worry more about their children’s SAT test scores.  They worry about report cards and bank balances, light bills, car payments, lovers and new shoes.  They think of safety, clothing and shelter, sex, food and romance while at the same time you want to constantly grade them on productions, performance, sales revenue, percentage of growth, profit margins, new customers, lost customers and your success.

Technology is in your hands.  Your success will not be based on technology now or in the future even though its going to help you a great deal.  You success will be found in helping people helping other people.  Do you want to be ranked in the same old ways, profit margins, revenue growth, market share?  Do you want to build the best products or services in the world?  The market constantly grades your people performance and you have to measure up to the market.  The intelligence found within the right group of people will change your company forever.  PeopleNology will grow your business, encourage and reward smart people and over time create a new culture of people success.

The Not-So-Smart companies will fall behind and lose their market share.  Their employees will dream about failure and pink slips while at the same time you break open the power of people.  Success is solving problems, which is the whole point of our civilization and your company can lead the way.  The doorstep to the future is PeopleNology and all the power it holds concerning the 75 Secrets inside every person walking around.  PeopleNology is Power.

You have committed your company to the machine.  How many computer do you own?  How many trucks and company cars?  How many telephones, forklifts, power tools, chairs, tables, pens and paperclips does it take to build a business?  You have committed your company to things and not people.  Machines do not build a business only people can.  People demand more and more machines but who will build them, sustain them, change them, design and engineer the new ones.  Modern man demands the machine, so be it.  Get your people to build the new design, the faster rates, the higher quality and let people build the machines for all the other people wanting and needing more and more.  In turn, machines and machine thinking people dominate our lives.

These machine thinking companies are leaving their people behind.  You cannot leave your people behind in the future.  They’re your customers, friends, associates, lovers, engineers and competitors. Stop the machine thinking and start on the people thinking to build better machines.  The unique thing about your company is the people inside.  The irrational thing about your company is the people inside your company.  PeopeNology brings the unique, original, irrational thinking of these people into a rational and productive culture of your future.

Modern man has committed himself to machines. He demands more and more from

In turn, machines and machine-thinking dominate our lives. Technocrats can only
assimilate material that can be understood, analyzed, and pigeon holed.

The unique, irrational, and unexpected don't have much place in this world.

During the twentieth century, science has defined man in terms of chemicals,
electrical impulses, and predictable patterns of behavior.

In short, a very complicated machine.

Mechanization has replaced humanism as the driving force for man.

The electronic music you hear was composed by a composer using complex
electronic devices without the use of any musical instruments.

As is true of many modern artists, the composer is mainly interested in the
manipulation of his materials.

In a mass-production system, it is the process of production itself which
becomes the center of interest, rather than the product.

As the machine is made up of countless interchangeable parts

so society is made up of countless anonymous people

Man has become merely a number which fits into a cell called home or office

Send an email…
Learn All The Secrets of PeopleNology
Nollijy America

Greg Bodenhamer Mechanicsburg Pa

Saturday, February 16, 2008

helps any size company to stop the squandering of their most valuable resources known as human beings PeopleNology Gregory Bodenhamer

Welcome to your own Voyage of Discovery.
Creating and Supporting
the most dramatic business adventures on the planet today.


helps any size company to stop the squandering of their most valuable resources known as human beings. Accomplish more,

Accumulate wealth and Create prosperity and happiness within a short period of time

. Avoid the inconvenient disasters of many organizations by learning and using PeopleTopia.
The natural history of you and others,  all the important events that made you and control you today is the absolute key to nature’s biggest mystery, the human being.
The secrets of you have been written and more amazing discoveries are revealed daily.

Today’s scientists and their discoveries will amaze the brightest of the human-race.

Everything that happens to you, becomes part of you. Before you do something, you’ve decided to do something.  You decided to cross the river before you cross the river.  You are made up of millions of things, ideas, actions, desires, experiences etc that places you in your own reality, right now. You cannot change anything you’ve already done.  Everything that makes you is connected. 

The Secret Service of

Take any business and quickly move from simply survival to stability within a few days.  Influence and persuade any human being quickly and safely through Social Engineering Techniques that change Work Habits, Improve Performance, Starting and Stopping Conflicts, enjoy Delegating, Assigning Tasks, and watch as your Expert Real Self comes to life at work and at home.  The Fascinating and Amazing PeopleNology explains the things that nobody talks about.
Get started on improving Leadership, Customer Service, Teamwork and Motivate Customers and Associates.  PeopleNology


Human Earth Laws
Typical Human Behavior
Heirlooms and Genes
Taming The Wild Organization
7 Things God Wanted You To Know
Mother Nature’s Home Sweet Home
Bedrock - Boredom - Bedroom - Boardroom

Gregory Bodenhamer
Copyright 2008 Intellectual Property Rights
All Rights Reserved and Protected
University Quality Research - Systems - Design

All of these millions of connections make up the education, emotions and experiences that overlap or cover the real you.  The real you is the physiology and psychology of you, those traits that god gave you without asking you.  Nature does not play around and doesn't care about you, it just is.

Social Engineering for Any Business in America

Your mind always disagrees with itself, so it can quickly measure everything and come up with the best possible solution based on your core, emotions, education and experiences.  Everything about you is mental.  Your thoughts believe different things all the time until such time that you decide.  If you do not have the education, experiences and emotions concerning a topic at hand you will most likely be wrong.

This knowledge in conflict, thoughts in other words, behave just like people.  pretending, arguing, threatening, sympathizing, forgiving, agreeing and disagreeing.  You do this thousand of times per hour, 24 hours.  You have organized yourself into groups that agree with your thinking.  People move apart when they disagree and argue.

Your mind started as a blank, except the core.  You see things different than I do at times, it’s natural and expected.  Some of your experiences make bigger impressions than others. Dramatic things leave marks on you, emotional and experience marks. Experience is the chalk that writes on your blank mind slate.

Worrying about the motives and intentions of other people can take its toll on you.  Your own Emotional Intelligence has more of an impact on your success in life that your grades in school or your I.Q scores put together.  You must have the ability to understand, and use, your emotions successfully.  It involves a group of skills, including the ability to motivate ourselves, regulate our moods, control our impulses and empathize with others.
Young people tend to fall for schemes, older people, wiser we hope, know better.  Older people tend to control more and speculate less. They control their emotional triggers.

As a child if you fall off a chair, you think, bad chair.  If your mate hits you, you think, bad mate. You’ve been taught that bad things must be punished.   You punish things that remind you of the things that hurt you, it’s instinctive.

The further you move out the more resilience you have, the ability to interact successfully with others and to solve problems. Leaders must lead.  Leaders must have resilience.  Leaders must live on the edge and never stop growing.  Resilience is a life skill, allows you to bounce back from setbacks, these skills translate into certain thoughts, feelings and behaviors, ability to interact, ability to empower the optimistic outlook, ability to feel good regardless of what's going on around you.
The Problem?
Not having enough quality truck drivers
to establish and maintain core elements.

The Client?
A Motor Freight Transportation Company
operating 25 to 150 power units.

The Reality?
Client having over 25% Turnover Rate
and struggling to retain quality people.

The Facilitator?
PeopleNology Encourages Learning
and action steps to correct the problem.

The Sponsor?
Ownership or Executive Manager
responsible for overall performance.

You are
the Secret

Inside PeopleNology you’re     going to discover the things that people never talk about.

Expert knowledge, research, theories and explanations about things you cannot learn from common higher learning institutions.

Little companies, medium and large organizations, including Fortune 100 enterprises have gotten the message.

It’s about people.  It’s about knowing all the hidden       powerful knowledge. The        Invisible Structures that’s working inside and outside of your business makes the        difference.

This FREE STUDY GUIDE will help you get started.  Follow the exciting trail of proven facts, remove what you think you know with the truth about people.

Enjoy your success.

500,000 years ago, Homo Erectus discovered how to tame and use fire.  It wasn’t you. Look at the picture above, Erectus was almost you but not yet. Within a cave near Beijing, China the first real hard archaeological evidence revealed the truth.
Erectus was almost the human, You - Homo Sapiens, that walk around with you and me today. To control the use of fire, starting it, perpetuating flames, applying fire and stopping it was only the beginning.  Simply look around.

Before us came many. They were not the humans that you see today. Maybe, up to four or five other human type beings have walked the earth. 
Starting a fire, defeating the cold darkness, providing heat from the elements, cooking food, providing a weapon against a stronger animal, transforming raw materials into something else. Homo Erectus was the foundation of you. Homo Erectus first and then came the human you are today Homo Sapiens. We have millions of years of evolutionary biology running through our veins and our brain cells.

You’re about to discover the most powerful knowledge in the world that is very seldom talked about.

Major universities; Tufts University, Notre Dame, World Class Harvard University, Wharton School, Stanford and many other knowledge and culture centers can provide you with a glimpse of the topics you can learn about today.

PeopleNology combines the knowledge of known Geology, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology and many other disciplines into a single source concerning the Human Being.

You’re going to dramatically increase your knowledge without spending tens of thousands of dollars on research or struggle.  You’ll soon discover that you can influence, inspire, persuade almost any person walking around the office, down the street or the other side of the world.

You’ll learn about the 38 Evolutionary Triggers found within every human being (homo sapiens) walking the earth today.  Not every other human, not one out of a hundred, every human being on earth has imbedded 38 Evolutionary Triggers and more are being discovered and researched every year.

You’ll benefit from learning the 12 Absolute Laws that every western culture based human being uses to decide things that affect your own family, friends, associates and business success.

When you’ve tried everything else; Paying more, bonuses, distant learning, incentives, corner offices, research funding, new product lines, company picnics, seminars, business management books, culture programs, new managers and supervisors its time to learn about PeopleNology.

Increase your sales, market exposure, stop employee turnover, write better advertisements, persuade your internal groups, inspire and provide leadership that others can only dream about.  Improve customer services, see motivation work for the first time, watch teamwork explode into new products and services.

Better companies can afford the research, plans, system designs and experts concerning Social Engineering and all the benefits.

With the help of PeopleNology, pre-designed seminars, workbooks, learning-letters and a host of other products your company can gain the abundance and prosperity that you’ve dreamed about.
Your mind and instincts have evolved by natural chance, natural mutation and the necessity or the pressure of selection.  You are here on earth, we can compete and reproduce or we would have already been condemned to extinction.  Earth is inhabited by mutating species, not copies of the earliest organisms. We are of the higher animal and we have the ability, it seems, to adapt to situations and new threats. You are the most amazing creature on earth.  No matter your beliefs, creation or nature, realize, maybe for the first time, you have become the most perfect being.
You were born without any working knowledge or skills.  Your blank mind slate is written upon through your education and your life experiences.  The human stimulation is experience and education through culture knowledge and building.  But there’s a lot more to the story.

Behavior that is rewarded will occur more often while behavior that is not rewarded will become extinct.
All Human Behavior is based on some positive or negative actions or some consequences. Your primitive mind decides what to do, most of the time, without any help from you.

The History of the Earth and the other planets tell their own story.  Five billion years ago, exploding stars, the creation, enormous clouds of gas and interstellar dust in space.  This primordial cloud or nebula, 70% hydrogen and 27% helium and heavy elements like gold and lead was our beginning.  You did have a beginning and you do have an ending.  All the things that made you now control you. From dust to life, from nothing to us, the most perfect creature. Did nature create you? Did a creator create you? Was it a combination?  Have we discovered how the creator made the human being?

Complex skills are shaped by both biological inheritance and our life experiences.  Your heredity gives you the potential and your life experiences determines how and how much of your potential is realized.
The equations, formulas, principles and laws are explained and revealed by the teachings of PeopleNology

The shock wave, big bang, red-hot sphere, formation of earth crust, first forms of life, the formation of oceans and our own  primordial atmosphere became real about 3.9 billion years ago.  We’re not guessing anymore. We have doubts and questions, all considered nothing in complete agreement but, we’re here by Creation or Nature maybe both. 99.9% identical, all humans the same. We know that every human has Emotions which reveal the truth about Emotional Intelligence. You feel the exact same things as every human.  How could you use this powerful knowledge?  Can you help others?

Accept the idea
that very intelligent
human beings have
been on earth a long time.

All human beings have well-defined inclinations that constrain or maneuver us in every day living.  These tendency characteristics make every human being on earth almost like the next one. From the ancient times found within the historical record human beings that populate the world have sense and gut feelings about everything.  These tendencies are the inclinations that control most human beings. 

You’re going to see everything in a new light with PeopleNology.  You’re going to have a new sense of wonder and discover the things that you think you already know.  PeopleNology is Power that will quickly change everything in your personal and professional life for the better.
PeopleNology gives you the base knowledge that is very difficult if not impossible to find in one place.  One thing is for sure.  Learning about PeopleNology is fun, exciting and very profitable.  The things you were taught were taught by people within a culture that had a set of values and beliefs about knowledge.

What you’re about to discover is what your father didn't talk about and your mother didn't know has hurt you, held you back, guided your missteps and a host of other things that you can change. 

Improving your ability to persuade another human being takes us deep into many recognized sciences, disciplines, proven theories latterly by the thousands.  PeopleNology (PN) makes it simple to understand the Evolutionary Earth Laws that control everything about you and the person down the hall or on the other side of the world.

You’re going to become a PeopleNologist if you decide by learning the things that nobody talks about and only a few ever teach.  Your Leadership skills, customer services and products that you offer, motivation techniques that you use and the creation of real teamwork is at hand.

PeopleNology mixed with Evolutionary Earth Laws will change you, your business success, improve relationships with friends, family and customers and it happens very quickly.

A very special series,

Millions of working women continue to struggle within the workplace.  The simple evolutionary truth, the things never talked about explode the facts into your life.

World Aspirations for Women
Curiosity of People
Wanting to Know You

is the perfect combination learning-letter and (LTL) Lap-Top-Lecture for any business.
You can quickly, easy 1-2-3, learn about and apply real life ancient earth laws within your organization.  Capture the absolute power of women at work by removing the folklore and using known facts to help inspire and persuade this dynamic and  important resource.

The word anthropology itself tells the basic story--from the Greek anthropos ("human") and logia ("study")--it is the study of humankind, from its beginnings millions of years ago to the present day.

Nothing human is alien to anthropology. Indeed, of the many disciplines that study our species,

Homo sapiens, only anthropology seeks to understand the whole panorama--in geographic space and evolutionary time--of human existence.

Though easy to define, anthropology is difficult to describe. Its subject matter is both exotic (e.g., star lore of the Australian aborigines) and commonplace (anatomy of the foot). And its focus is both sweeping (the evolution of language) and microscopic (the use-wear of obsidian tools). Anthropologists may study ancient Mayan hieroglyphics, the music of African Pygmies, and the corporate culture of a U.S. car manufacturer.

But always, the common goal links these vastly different projects: to advance knowledge of who we are, how we came to be that way--and where we may go in the future.

Curiosity. In a sense, we all "do" anthropology because it is rooted in a universal human trait: curiosity. We are curious about ourselves and about other people, the living as well as the dead, here and around the globe. We ask anthropological questions:
Do all societies have marriage customs?
As a species, are human beings innately violent or peaceful?
Did the earliest humans have light or dark skins?
When did people first begin speaking a language?
How related are humans, monkeys and chimpanzees?
Is Homo Sapiens’s brain still evolving?

Such questions are part of a folk anthropology practiced in school yards, office buildings and neighborhood cafes. But if we are all amateur anthropologists, what do the professionals study? How does the science of anthropology differ from ordinary opinion sharing and "common sense"?

Comparative Method. As a discipline, anthropology begins with a simple yet powerful idea:

any detail of our behavior can be understood better
when it is seen against the backdrop of the full range of human behavior.

This, the comparative method, attempts to explain similarities and            differences among people holistically, in the context of humanity as a whole.

Anthropology seeks to uncover principles of behavior that apply to all human communities. To an anthropologist, diversity itself--seen in body shapes and sizes, customs, clothing, speech, religion, and worldview--provides a frame of reference for understanding any single aspect of life in any given community.

To illustrate, imagine having our entire lives in a world of red. Our food, our clothing, our car--even the street we live on--everything around us a different shade of red.

And yet ironically, in a scarlet world, isn't it true that we will have no real grasp of the color red itself, nor even the concept of color, without being able to compare
red with yellow, blue, green, and all the hues of the rainbow?
This is, I think, very much, a world full of people and modern organizations that have become disconnected for many reasons.

In our swift progression as a human species we went from running away from the beasts of the earth to standing in line at the banks, from       hunting our food with spears to hunting and pecking on computer keyboards.

We have only a very few centuries of culture building, thinly layered over millions of years of biological evolution, our inner core instinctive      reactions have not yet caught up with the outer reality of our world today.

PeopleTopia removes the fear and anxiety of your people to allow your company to innovate better products, offer competitive services and capture the upward-thrusting energy of all your people no matter their title or authority.

You can take action, increase productivity,        reduce turnover rates very quickly.

PeopleTopia services, they make you get up and do something and your first free step is sending PeopleTopia an email for our free starter kit.

                         Greg Bodenhamer

As you’re building your company,

I want you to think about everything before your organization was even in the marketplace.  Then I want you to go back even further and think about yourself as a young adult.  When you continue going back you’re soon back in elementary school.  Taking even more steps back in time, before you were born, millions of people were already in America working and striving to make a living.

Everything that made you came before you.  Everything that made them was before them.  Unintentionally or intentionally, by Mother Nature or by Creation, it is a fact that you’re a human being and you’re now walking the earth.

As we go through life, working to make a living, building a          business, educating our children, building factories and towns at times we forget we’re even here.  What’s more important we forget where we came from and how we got here today.

PeopleTopia is about people, just like me and you, and it’s that fascination about people, the real programming of people, how they think, what they think about, what they do without thinking that can turn a bean-bag of nothing into the fabulous company that you’ve always wanted. 

As a business owner or an executive I know you feel let down at times or even betrayed by customers, employees, vendors and even close friends and family members.  At times we move to “Nobody can be trusted” management for good reasons.  The alternative to a me-too company, a company just getting the truth when it hurts is found within PeopleTopia.       Welcome.

Obviously something's wrong,

and at times we just cannot put our finger on the problem.  We work late, we run the numbers, we take time to adjust budgets, we try and hire “better people” but obviously something remains wrong.  Thousands of companies fail every month by simply waiting for the things to get better. 

Many good companies will fail today because of poor quality, high employee turnover rates, higher workman's compensation costs, lower productivity, poor customer services, late shipments to      customers, high health insurance premiums and a hundred other things.  You might be making the wrong product?  You might be making the right product the wrong way?  You might be running off great people?  You might be hiring the wrong people?

You might remember as a child when you got in trouble even when you told the absolute truth?  Most adults can share the story when the truth was told they still got in trouble.

Inside your mind you felt betrayed right then, you decided not to tell the truth all the time because it might get you in trouble.  Telling the truth and getting punished might be the genesis for “the truth hurts”.  That simple decision when you were very young, based upon some childhood helplessness and powerlessness created a      program in your mind that you operate today.                  Depending on your current situation you have mental                 programming running right now that is hurting you, your company, friends and family.  We can change all this quickly and easily.

We have considerably more power

today that removes the helplessness and powerlessness and increases our ability to help ourselves and build great companies.

PeopleTopia has a very firm foundation is many sciences,       knowledge disciplines, proven theories and application principles that are being applied this very day, inside small businesses, medium sized firms and even Fortune 100 companies.

PeopleTopia is not about guessing, its about doing things based on hard rock knowledge from experts.  Many disciplines such as Geology, Biology, Ecology, Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology and many more fields of study like Anthropology, Astronomy, Meteorology, Chemistry, Physics along with their equations,       formulas, laws and  principles have all been combined within our quick and sure PeopleTopia services.

Mortals are capable of things

that money can’t buy.  Look at the health of your company.  Take a look at your productivity rates, balance sheet, cash-flow statements, turnover rates, advertising costs, legal and accounting fees and decide if you would like to improve in each area.

The health of any organization can be measured.  One of the blessings of the rich is that they can afford experts within any business field concerning the management of the business. 

Many owners and executives and their managers and sales people are out enjoying the world, expensing some things here and there as their associates are not enjoying their world at all.   One of the things wrong with your company is that you might be healthy but, your associates are showing symptoms of illness concerning quality, productivity, safety and many other key result areas.

A serious portion of your employees (44 percent) really just do what they have to do.  They have little response to your questions. You cannot seem to awaken them during your persuasion attempts.  They do not take an early morning walk getting their mind, body and spirit ready for the day.  They banish sleep to watch sports on T.V., drink a little too much beer on Monday night, forget to set the alarm clock, lose their time card and are never really thrilled to see you.

These are serious symptoms found inside many companies.  They mean that your company is not fully alive, financial health is subject to failing, no passion for quality means little enthusiasm for customers and all combined they will make your company not only unhealthy but also unwealthy.   PeopleTopia understands the symptoms and the cure.

Your company takes the anxious leap

into the business world, watching everything to assure success, hiring wise men and women for assurance and insurance to success and still    effort, activities and positive results fail daily. 

PeopleTopia is more than just a local anesthetic for just one or two of your problems.  PeopleTopia is the imported expertise that you can easily       afford, change the destiny of your future, institute culture change,            embrace your customers and people, gain intelligence, talent, inspiration and a new absolute freedom.   It seems to us, that a great associate         attitude is real wealth in the market.

Embracing PeopleTopia, using our experiences,  knowledge, expert disciplines and techniques allows you to become the teacher and the student at the same time.  The passion you must have, the vitality that the global market demands and a new enthusiasm throughout the ranks of vendors, sales staff, customers and associates with an improved attitude is the real wealth of PeopleTopia.

Many times in business we miss happiness and the open door of opportunities as we’re spending too much time on the closed door of human resource problems.  We spend too much on advertising, recruiting and material things you think will make things better.   Happiness begins to come closer when you realize that People learn from People.  Starting as a child, we choose to learn things, not knowing if its true or not and just assuming that we know things even when we’re wrong.  You’ve already found out that material things do not bring happiness.  Give employees a bonus and they still leave.  Hand out the keys to new company cars and they still send out resumes. 

Money or material things are of little help when you’re trying to make people productive, creative and powerful within your company.  Recruiting, Retention, Rewarding and Recognition for Human Beings are less about exterior things than most owners and executives suppose.  Most people look for happiness in money, having a good time, somebody to lean on and so on.  Even with more money, better medical benefits, quarterly bonuses,  people still become impatient, fretful and hurried when the bell rings to go home. 

The Quality of your company,

depends on the quality of your thoughts and the thoughts of your people.

Imagine a thought as something you could touch. Imagine a tiny piece of energy that turns into a thought which moves to form an idea which       develops a plan and  becomes a company in the marketplace.

This energy thought matter is very real and you can see a PeopleTopia
diagram of this reality on your left.  The flat plain shown is the blank slate of your mind, the thought pressing into it, thus programming an idea
is to press it into memory, taking up space and time in your brain.

If you have a new instruction and you’re employees fail to carry it out you did not make an impression.
Wanting a greater company, building new products, creating something fully depends on your ability, the ability of your managers, supervisors and others to position an idea, secure a position in another persons mind, hold and build on that position as its the only way a human being can learn.

The PeopleTopia Secret is that we have a map for action that you can fully utilize to quickly combine fragments of people thoughts into any idea or impression that you design.  These PeopleTopia Secrets have put people power in the palm of your hands. 

From the beginning of time, from the beginning of the human race in all its forms, all creatures, including me and you, have pre-programmed mind imprints that have been provided by mother nature for a million reasons. 

When everything you learn to say, how to say it, what graph to show etc. approaches the nearness of the human pre-programmed mind imprint you create a connection.  PeopleTopia allows you to implant any idea you want based on the nearness of the pre-programmed human mind.  PeopleTopia is Power.

Without all the trials and troubles you can start the absolute persuasion of any human being.

The thought energy that you implant
makes another human being think of something else.

Your thought energy must be in some interesting way
approach some other thought that already takes
                       up some kind of position or space in the others persons mind.

If you knew what was already pre-programmed within the human brain, without that persons educational and experiences known to you, you can trigger a thought pattern about 99.7% of the time.  Everything you say to another adult human being must be measured against something else already know or perceived. 

PeopleNology, another knowledge based organization has isolated, tested and verified the most prominent    38 Mind Triggers inside every human being.  Not some human beings, all human beings.  Every year PeopleNology finds more and more Mind Triggers, those trip wires that Mother Nature implanted inside every human being to help keep us safe, warm, happy and find everything we need like, food, water and shelter.

PeopleTopia, then takes the knowledge based and human tested mind triggers and develops the actual techniques on how to apply them within the day to day lives of people and their companies.

Human beings are the most advanced creature to ever roam the earth.  We have a natural state about us, the instincts that mother earth gave us and those same mind imprints make us do certain things at certain times.

With a modern human being those instincts are alive and well.  We have a few thousand years of education and culture that barely covers the real you and me.  Humans have overheated imaginations that keep us building things, changing jobs, robbing banks, starting wars and other things to satisfy our needs and our modern wants.  The modern human thinks, “keep all you’ve got”  “protect everything you’ve got”  even if you don’t want it any more, “get more and more”  “get it quickly as possible”  “ get it all”  “ go for it”.  People have perpetual longings, desire many things and these emotional feelings mostly control their coming and going and its always a mental journey first.  You think about leaving first, then you leave.

Many companies make great progress,

then seemingly hit a brick wall with customers, associates and even their bankers, friends and family.  The powerful stimulants that you need to keep the pumps pumping, lathes turning, trucks rolling and make genuine progress is found within PeopleTopia.

We’ve been told that PeopleNology and PeopleTopia is like turning on the lights for the business.  Worthwhile achievements and real customer satisfaction become the reality.

The Mind Triggers that you can quickly learn to use keeps everything in motion for the betterment of your company and all its people.  When you look at the gasoline station above you see the wholesome American scene that many people long for in their day to day lives.  We teach you that the print art is a lot more.  Its millions of ideas and impressions being brought to life, the print has a nearness to ideas already inside your brain that makes you smile.  Millions of impressions (thought energy) blink to life and the vintage image makes you smile, makes you feel better, brings about more memories or in other words the print is million of mind triggers, firing up your brain.

Mind triggers spark to life, blink to make you feel something, connect with another idea that is suggested by another impression that makes you want food, air, water, shelter, clothing and protection from harm. (evolution)

These mind triggers even make you want a big screen television, new computer, faster car or a hamburger.  These mind triggers are used against you every day through modern advertising.  How many billboards, T.V. commercials, internet ads, newspaper prints, books, paintings, emails or conversations do you entertain daily? 


You can start learning more about PeopleTopia and all the great things we can do for your company.

The diverse
Human Being is seemingly
a gift to the world.

All the knowledge gained,
applied properly
will replace the
organization with the richness
and taking advantage of
all the human potentialities
of your company.

Take a moment,

People . Topia@Hotmail.com

for more information,
without any obligation.





The Very Few GIANTS of PeopleNology by Gregory Bodenhamer Understanding Your Own Success

People based knowledge. A complete overview of your evolutionary history and all the things you need to know. Taking the philosophy, concepts, principles and theories from Bedrock to Bedroom to Boardroom. Thought provoking explanations of your brain and body and how every human thinks and acts through the human thought process. Helpful insights on how you feel, what makes you smile or makes you fail. The inside scoop on you and everybody you know or will meet in the future. Take control of your life as you only get one chance for the brass ring. Discover the truth about Adam and Eve, Dick and Jane and explore your own great potential. Surprise your friends and amaze your associates. This is the journey that nobody talks about because your father couldn't tell you and your mother didn't know.
Take my hand and journey to a new place you’ll always call home sweet home. Your future is not fulfilling someone else's goals and dreams, with you as a simple actor, in another persons play. For the first time in your life, you’re going to understand what’s going on around you, why people do certain things, how they feel and how they direct your thoughts, feelings and control you. All the things that can help you and have hurt you are going to be explored to make a better you. You’re going to discover art and music, the magic of how you think and in what order you think. You’ll learn how to control your thoughts and emotions, learn and apply principles that only top experts understand. Learning about yourself is learning about every person around you and discovering a new life inside you that’s been waiting. You’re going to learn how to get what you want, enjoy your life, enrich the life of others, gain greater wealth than you could imagine. You owe it to yourself to learn why people do strange things and how they control you. GREGORIAN EMOTIONAL CALENDAR Gregory Bodenhamer 2001-2007
Ever wonder why people act bizarre even faced with the truth? Ever wonder about your mate and what makes them think, fall in love, want to run away, go back to school or join a club down the street? Why do some people have great wealth and others struggle from day to day? If you could only appreciate this new knowledge, you’re going to gain greater knowledge which gives you the power, the absolute power to gain a better life, help your children, have friends of the heart and mind, grow past today and influence other people. When you fully understand what and why people think certain things at certain times you could influence their thinking and actions. Imagine the power of knowledge, imagine the influence you’ll have to control actions and results.
In practice, changing minds is an important part of most jobs and it’s always been the basics of my own profession. To make your company bigger and better you have to move forward and walk with other people, and you’re going to start with yourself. That perfect orange is inside you, it’s always been there for the asking. The evolution of you will amaze you and make you stronger. The power inside you is all yours for the asking and the taking.
You must reach your individual potential so you can improve the entire group of individuals that drive you and your company. The give and take policy of your employees, friends and family will not do the task. Most people are taught by teachers that only know certain things to be true. Your math teacher educated you about 2 + 2 = 4 and other arithmetic sums. If this equals that then this must be true. It’s the foundation or starting point for most of us. We know our A B C’s because some other person said it was true and the way of the world. We understand that the apple will fall from the tree to the earth. What many people fail to understand is the knowledge about people. People, just like me and you struggle daily with our knowledge. We strive to achieve some disciplined result and we wonder why we sometimes fail.
Others tell us when we win and when we sin. It must be unpleasant to lose the race as everybody bets on the winner? Your place in the future is being determined by other people with more knowledge. You’re going to obtain the start of this knowledge today so you can begin you’re own journey within life.
Their experience drives your future. Their position of strength allows your weakness. The stronger and bigger they become the weaker and smaller you become.
How can you turn the tide? What would you do with unknown knowledge? How many people need to know what I know? If you became strong would you help the weak? If you became bigger would you help the smaller people understand? The ingenuous you as the ability to understand complex mathematics and competition within the marketplace. You can build organizations and profit from your results. The same ingenuous you needs more to do more. You know that some days not everything works. The perfect machine breaks down and the profit stops. All the people you know, what makes them go and stop. How do they feel good about you, the company, the spouse and the house they live in? Great people leave your company and the ones that stay complain and protest. You’re missing the truth about people and the answers now are upon you. What would you do with the Harmony of your people? How big would your business become if you took all the people with you? What if you allowed the good people to be the good teacher of something new?
The generations of live and let live in friendships name has cost good companies their future. What you did yesterday won’t work today. Your friends move away, your love moves from side to side and new ideas and people confuse you. You’re going to learn what makes up that perfect orange and how you can grow your own personal wealth of knowledge, friends and companions.
If you’re smart enough to understand writing you can learn about your next great success and that of your company.
I’m going to give you authority of knowledge where most just hide the truth. You’re going to be a better person. You’re going to help hundreds or thousands of people not including thousands of customers. You’ll be physically powerful with this new knowledge. Your employer will admire you and people will gather when you speak. We’re going to embrace people and their minds to you can change what they think so they can become what they must become.
You’re going to create a enormous following of people from around the world. People that know you will wonder how you went to the top so quietly and quickly. People at work will admire and appreciate you for what you know and what you can get done. You’re going to be in charge of you and everything around you. It’s about time. It’s your gladness as the reward. More money, the bigger home, the nicer new car, better friends and no more sorrow. The confusion will go away as a new type of success takes hold of your life.
You’ll understand why people do things. You’ll be the only one to get the message that I will grant you today. Why do we run so fast? Who took the time to draw the finish line? Why are we so glad to see our hero’s fall? Learn about what everybody wants to know. Watch the trickery move out of the way as you use my proven methods of persuasion.
You’ll love people again and hold close the brightest of the class. The intellectual results combine with the irresistible friendship and affection that’s never been allowed in the past. You’ll be able to understand people, from their bedrock past of ancient times, to their bedroom antic's to their boardroom madness at work. The most powerful force on earth is people and you’re going to hold the key to success in the palm of your hands. You’ll be in a new place. The confidence and authority will cascade over the best and they will return the act of kindness. This contest we must win takes people and we know so little about them. You must learn so much before its too late. Any business has about a 90 day future without great people, products, services and a proven plan of action.
Your people, they have been taught to die for their country, to work two shifts without sleep, that an "A" on the test is the only way. It’s glorious to win but we’re not sure why. The gloom of failure surrounds our daily life and your employees. People watch as we move around the business, the field of battle. They look up for answers to their questions. They look up for hope and come back with their dreams. You have a free born mind, the blank slate that allows you to create the future. We get glimpses of ourselves but you have no idea. Removing the distractions, framing your better ideas so people can help you operate your business. Help them become interested and believe in quality as there is no substitution. Others tell you what to think, how to feel, how to drive and even who to marry. You’ll be able to trust yourself in your new future, the most important thing.
I had such friends to show me the way to my own great success. Only a few must know as they’re just a few giants of men in the world. Who really knows the goal? How do you find the glow of friendship and partnership without fear of the unknown? Stop your own dependence on other people and gain knowledge of that Living Genius that we’re going to set free within your mind. The twin of you, the genius inside will be brought to the surface and all the things you think you know will be reviewed again. Other people telling you what to think and feel will stop forever. That genius in you is based within mother nature, emotional control, education and experiences. The person that you are is just below the surface and all the great things you are capable of will start to show.
Understanding you, knowing all about you is the key to your own success and that of your family and friends. Knowing you is only the beginning.
A Gentlemen's Technique to Self Actualization - Achieving Individual Potential - Gregorian Emotional Calendar - PeopleNology -
Gregory Bodenhamer 2001-2007-2008 All rights reserved - Mechanicsburg Pa 17055