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Sunday, March 9, 2008

Emotional Mating Evolution Management Genetic Code DNA RNA Proteins of Success PeopleNology Index Gregory Bodenhamer Psychology Social Culture Business Engineering






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Learning about people MAKES YOU RICH PeopleNology by Gregory Bodenhamer Dating Mating Work Play Girls Boys Process Structure Success Stability Human Nature Emotions Love Hate Relationships Parents Children Adult

Welcome to your own Voyage of Discovery.
The natural history of you and others,  all the important events that made you and control you today is the absolute key to nature’s biggest mystery, the human being.
The secrets of you have been written and more amazing discoveries are revealed daily.



Today’s scientists and their discoveries will amaze the brightest of the human-race.

Everything that happens to you, becomes part of you. Before you do something, you’ve decided to do something.  You decided to cross the river before you cross the river.  You are made up of millions of things, ideas, actions, desires, experiences etc that places you in your own reality, right now. You cannot change anything you’ve already done.  Everything that makes you is connected. 

The Secret Service of

Take any business and quickly move from simply survival to stability within a few days.  Influence and persuade any human being quickly and safely through Social Engineering Techniques that change Work Habits, Improve Performance, Starting and Stopping Conflicts, enjoy Delegating, Assigning Tasks, and watch as your Expert Real Self comes to life at work and at home.  The Fascinating and Amazing PeopleNology explains the things that nobody talks about.
Get started on improving Leadership, Customer Service, Teamwork and Motivate Customers and Associates.  PeopleNology


Human Earth Laws
Typical Human Behavior
Heirlooms and Genes
Taming The Wild Organization
7 Things God Wanted You To Know
Mother Nature’s Home Sweet Home
Bedrock - Boredom - Bedroom - Boardroom

Gregory Bodenhamer
Copyright 2008 Intellectual Property Rights
All Rights Reserved and Protected
University Quality Research - Systems - Design

All of these millions of connections make up the education, emotions and experiences that overlap or cover the real you.  The real you is the physiology and psychology of you, those traits that god gave you without asking you.  Nature does not play around and doesn't care about you, it just is.

Social Engineering for Any Business in America

p 3

Your mind always disagrees with itself, so it can quickly measure everything and come up with the best possible solution based on your core, emotions, education and experiences.  Everything about you is mental.  Your thoughts believe different things all the time until such time that you decide.  If you do not have the education, experiences and emotions concerning a topic at hand you will most likely be wrong.

This knowledge in conflict, thoughts in other words, behave just like people.  pretending, arguing, threatening, sympathizing, forgiving, agreeing and disagreeing.  You do this thousand of times per hour, 24 hours.  You have organized yourself into groups that agree with your thinking.  People move apart when they disagree and argue.

Your mind started as a blank, except the core.  You see things different than I do at times, it’s natural and expected.  Some of your experiences make bigger impressions than others. Dramatic things leave marks on you, emotional and experience marks. Experience is the chalk that writes on your blank mind slate.

Worrying about the motives and intentions of other people can take its toll on you.  Your own Emotional Intelligence has more of an impact on your success in life that your grades in school or your I.Q scores put together.  You must have the ability to understand, and use, your emotions successfully.  It involves a group of skills, including the ability to motivate ourselves, regulate our moods, control our impulses and empathize with others.
Young people tend to fall for schemes, older people, wiser we hope, know better.  Older people tend to control more and speculate less. They control their emotional triggers.

As a child if you fall off a chair, you think, bad chair.  If your mate hits you, you think, bad mate. You’ve been taught that bad things must be punished.   You punish things that remind you of the things that hurt you, it’s instinctive.

The further you move out the more resilience you have, the ability to interact successfully with others and to solve problems. Leaders must lead.  Leaders must have resilience.  Leaders must live on the edge and never stop growing.  Resilience is a life skill, allows you to bounce back from setbacks, these skills translate into certain thoughts, feelings and behaviors, ability to interact, ability to empower the optimistic outlook, ability to feel good regardless of what's going on around you.
The Problem?
Not having enough quality truck drivers
to establish and maintain core elements.

The Client?
A Motor Freight Transportation Company
operating 25 to 150 power units.

The Reality?
Client having over 25% Turnover Rate
and struggling to retain quality people.

The Facilitator?
PeopleNology Encourages Learning
and action steps to correct the problem.

The Sponsor?
Ownership or Executive Manager
responsible for overall performance.

You are
the Secret

Inside PeopleNology you’re     going to discover the things that people never talk about.

Expert knowledge, research, theories and explanations about things you cannot learn from common higher learning institutions.


PeopleTopia 2

Little companies, medium and large organizations, including Fortune 100 enterprises have gotten the message.

It’s about people.  It’s about knowing all the hidden       powerful knowledge. The        Invisible Structures that’s working inside and outside of your business makes the        difference.

This FREE STUDY GUIDE will help you get started.  Follow the exciting trail of proven facts, remove what you think you know with the truth about people.

Enjoy your success.

500,000 years ago, Homo Erectus discovered how to tame and use fire.  It wasn’t you. Look at the picture above, Erectus was almost you but not yet. Within a cave near Beijing, China the first real hard archaeological evidence revealed the truth.
Erectus was almost the human, You - Homo Sapiens, that walk around with you and me today. To control the use of fire, starting it, perpetuating flames, applying fire and stopping it was only the beginning.  Simply look around.

Before us came many. They were not the humans that you see today. Maybe, up to four or five other human type beings have walked the earth. 
Starting a fire, defeating the cold darkness, providing heat from the elements, cooking food, providing a weapon against a stronger animal, transforming raw materials into something else. Homo Erectus was the foundation of you. Homo Erectus first and then came the human you are today Homo Sapiens. We have millions of years of evolutionary biology running through our veins and our brain cells.

You’re about to discover the most powerful knowledge in the world that is very seldom talked about.

Major universities; Tufts University, Notre Dame, World Class Harvard University, Wharton School, Stanford and many other knowledge and culture centers can provide you with a glimpse of the topics you can learn about today.

PeopleNology combines the knowledge of known Geology, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology and many other disciplines into a single source concerning the Human Being.

You’re going to dramatically increase your knowledge without spending tens of thousands of dollars on research or struggle.  You’ll soon discover that you can influence, inspire, persuade almost any person walking around the office, down the street or the other side of the world.

You’ll learn about the 38 Evolutionary Triggers found within every human being (homo sapiens) walking the earth today.  Not every other human, not one out of a hundred, every human being on earth has imbedded 38 Evolutionary Triggers and more are being discovered and researched every year.

You’ll benefit from learning the 12 Absolute Laws that every western culture based human being uses to decide things that affect your own family, friends, associates and business success.

When you’ve tried everything else; Paying more, bonuses, distant learning, incentives, corner offices, research funding, new product lines, company picnics, seminars, business management books, culture programs, new managers and supervisors its time to learn about PeopleNology.

Increase your sales, market exposure, stop employee turnover, write better advertisements, persuade your internal groups, inspire and provide leadership that others can only dream about.  Improve customer services, see motivation work for the first time, watch teamwork explode into new products and services.

Better companies can afford the research, plans, system designs and experts concerning Social Engineering and all the benefits.

With the help of PeopleNology, pre-designed seminars, workbooks, learning-letters and a host of other products your company can gain the abundance and prosperity that you’ve dreamed about.
Your mind and instincts have evolved by natural chance, natural mutation and the necessity or the pressure of selection.  You are here on earth, we can compete and reproduce or we would have already been condemned to extinction.  Earth is inhabited by mutating species, not copies of the earliest organisms. We are of the higher animal and we have the ability, it seems, to adapt to situations and new threats. You are the most amazing creature on earth.  No matter your beliefs, creation or nature, realize, maybe for the first time, you have become the most perfect being.
You were born without any working knowledge or skills.  Your blank mind slate is written upon through your education and your life experiences.  The human stimulation is experience and education through culture knowledge and building.  But there’s a lot more to the story.

Behavior that is rewarded will occur more often while behavior that is not rewarded will become extinct.
All Human Behavior is based on some positive or negative actions or some consequences. Your primitive mind decides what to do, most of the time, without any help from you.

The History of the Earth and the other planets tell their own story.  Five billion years ago, exploding stars, the creation, enormous clouds of gas and interstellar dust in space.  This primordial cloud or nebula, 70% hydrogen and 27% helium and heavy elements like gold and lead was our beginning.  You did have a beginning and you do have an ending.  All the things that made you now control you. From dust to life, from nothing to us, the most perfect creature. Did nature create you? Did a creator create you? Was it a combination?  Have we discovered how the creator made the human being?

Complex skills are shaped by both biological inheritance and our life experiences.  Your heredity gives you the potential and your life experiences determines how and how much of your potential is realized.
The equations, formulas, principles and laws are explained and revealed by the teachings of PeopleNology

The shock wave, big bang, red-hot sphere, formation of earth crust, first forms of life, the formation of oceans and our own  primordial atmosphere became real about 3.9 billion years ago.  We’re not guessing anymore. We have doubts and questions, all considered nothing in complete agreement but, we’re here by Creation or Nature maybe both. 99.9% identical, all humans the same. We know that every human has Emotions which reveal the truth about Emotional Intelligence. You feel the exact same things as every human.  How could you use this powerful knowledge?  Can you help others?

Accept the idea
that very intelligent
human beings have
been on earth a long time.

All human beings have well-defined inclinations that constrain or maneuver us in every day living.  These tendency characteristics make every human being on earth almost like the next one. From the ancient times found within the historical record human beings that populate the world have sense and gut feelings about everything.  These tendencies are the inclinations that control most human beings. 

You’re going to see everything in a new light with PeopleNology.  You’re going to have a new sense of wonder and discover the things that you think you already know.  PeopleNology is Power that will quickly change everything in your personal and professional life for the better.
PeopleNology gives you the base knowledge that is very difficult if not impossible to find in one place.  One thing is for sure.  Learning about PeopleNology is fun, exciting and very profitable.  The things you were taught were taught by people within a culture that had a set of values and beliefs about knowledge.

What you’re about to discover is what your father didn't talk about and your mother didn't know has hurt you, held you back, guided your missteps and a host of other things that you can change. 

Improving your ability to persuade another human being takes us deep into many recognized sciences, disciplines, proven theories latterly by the thousands.  PeopleNology (PN) makes it simple to understand the Evolutionary Earth Laws that control everything about you and the person down the hall or on the other side of the world.

You’re going to become a PeopleNologist if you decide by learning the things that nobody talks about and only a few ever teach.  Your Leadership skills, customer services and products that you offer, motivation techniques that you use and the creation of real teamwork is at hand.

PeopleNology mixed with Evolutionary Earth Laws will change you, your business success, improve relationships with friends, family and customers and it happens very quickly.

A very special series,

Millions of working women continue to struggle within the workplace.  The simple evolutionary truth, the things never talked about explode the facts into your life.

World Aspirations for Women
Curiosity of People
Wanting to Know You

is the perfect combination learning-letter and (LTL) Lap-Top-Lecture for any business.
You can quickly, easy 1-2-3, learn about and apply real life ancient earth laws within your organization.  Capture the absolute power of women at work by removing the folklore and using known facts to help inspire and persuade this dynamic and  important resource.

The word anthropology itself tells the basic story--from the Greek anthropos ("human") and logia ("study")--it is the study of humankind, from its beginnings millions of years ago to the present day.

Nothing human is alien to anthropology. Indeed, of the many disciplines that study our species,

Homo sapiens, only anthropology seeks to understand the whole panorama--in geographic space and evolutionary time--of human existence.

Though easy to define, anthropology is difficult to describe. Its subject matter is both exotic (e.g., star lore of the Australian aborigines) and commonplace (anatomy of the foot). And its focus is both sweeping (the evolution of language) and microscopic (the use-wear of obsidian tools). Anthropologists may study ancient Mayan hieroglyphics, the music of African Pygmies, and the corporate culture of a U.S. car manufacturer.

But always, the common goal links these vastly different projects: to advance knowledge of who we are, how we came to be that way--and where we may go in the future.

Curiosity. In a sense, we all "do" anthropology because it is rooted in a universal human trait: curiosity. We are curious about ourselves and about other people, the living as well as the dead, here and around the globe. We ask anthropological questions:
Do all societies have marriage customs?
As a species, are human beings innately violent or peaceful?
Did the earliest humans have light or dark skins?
When did people first begin speaking a language?
How related are humans, monkeys and chimpanzees?
Is Homo Sapiens’s brain still evolving?

Such questions are part of a folk anthropology practiced in school yards, office buildings and neighborhood cafes. But if we are all amateur anthropologists, what do the professionals study? How does the science of anthropology differ from ordinary opinion sharing and "common sense"?

Comparative Method. As a discipline, anthropology begins with a simple yet powerful idea:

any detail of our behavior can be understood better
when it is seen against the backdrop of the full range of human behavior.

This, the comparative method, attempts to explain similarities and            differences among people holistically, in the context of humanity as a whole.

Anthropology seeks to uncover principles of behavior that apply to all human communities. To an anthropologist, diversity itself--seen in body shapes and sizes, customs, clothing, speech, religion, and worldview--provides a frame of reference for understanding any single aspect of life in any given community.

To illustrate, imagine having our entire lives in a world of red. Our food, our clothing, our car--even the street we live on--everything around us a different shade of red.

And yet ironically, in a scarlet world, isn't it true that we will have no real grasp of the color red itself, nor even the concept of color, without being able to compare red with yellow, blue, green, and all the hues of the rainbow?




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Study of Humankind The word anthropology itself tells the basic story–from the Greek anthropos (”human”) and logia (”study”)–it is the study of humankind, from its beginnings millions of years ago to the present day. Nothing human is alien to anthropology.
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