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Friday, January 10, 2014

Ink Toner Wanted for Murder, The Rich Man Secrets, NDITC knows Who Killed Off All the Jobs, Wanted For Murder, The Giant Global Organizations that use slave type labor, create no American jobs and keep their profits off shore to avoid the income taxes in America. The current great recession is luring half the U.S. population to the welfare list and the other half are trying to recover their individual economy and the U.S. economy by expeditions into starting their own free enterprise business.

Wanted for Murder, The Rich Man Secrets, NDITC knows Who Killed Off All the Jobs,  Wanted For Murder, The Giant Global Organizations that use slave type labor, create no American jobs and keep their profits off shore to avoid the income taxes in America. The current great recession is luring half the U.S. population to the welfare list and the other half are trying to recover their individual economy and the U.S. economy by expeditions into starting their own free enterprise business. 

These present economic conditions tell the story of millions of Americans today.  Their homes are being lost which was once the American symbol of wealth and their savings are just about gone.  

Tens of thousands of hard working people are now on food 

stamps, living in section eight housing and collecting 

unemployment trying a dozen different ways to survive the

 economic hardships. 

These are the people that we’re trying to reach because what we offer within this information is priceless. This recession-depression is the perfect time to explore new money making options.

 We're going to show you how to make a lot of money. 

We’ve already opened the safe of ideas which is a national story in itself.  You know the terrifying stories of unemployment, under-employment, no health insurance, food stamp programs that acts like a grindstone forcing millions of Americans into poverty.  Our found has identified the money making opportunity and has made it available to people that don’t have enough money to open up their own business so he simply gives the idea away for free.

It was a very difficult job cracking the safe of business plans, manufacturing process steps, marketing and sales plans to create this business opportunity. Many safeguards were put in place to make sure their secrets were kept secret.  Their strong box filled with cash money was all earned honestly in the legal sense but, we should be concerned about the right and wrong, the ethical approach to making an honest living.  These giants have broken no U.S. laws but we must wonder if the immoral profits created are a lesson for every citizen. We’re trying to reach decent hard working people that are principled in their ways of earning a living.  You can elude the great recession but you must take immediate actions.  The founder of NDITC has spent years in creating the harmless way for you to start your own home based or commercial business profits.

Suddenly our founder knew that his all-enveloping business planning eliminated the financial darkness for people, people just like you. The smothering debt for Americans could be eliminated.  The unemployment undertow could be relieved and regular people could own their own profit making business.  Millions were waiting for the bad news to ease up so they could budge their way back into jobs and income. Families have had their electricity cut off, cars left unrepaired and their children still needing new shoes for the school year. There was a short circuit in the U.S. economy and these business plans could solve most of them, maybe once and for all.

As people dangle in the economy helplessly they tend to just give up.  Hoping and praying for some type of rescue at times they miss the life raft floating nearby. Tugging frantically at almost any lifeline the excruciating pain of unemployment and welfare makes most people fearful of any idea or plan that can help them. Their fear rules everyday and their financial and security breathing becomes more shallow daily. Good people have been gashed by their employers and have been laid-off by the millions.  The landlord has raised the prices of the monthly rent and the price of gasoline and food signal bad times are going to be deep and long. The minutes of fear turn into weeks and then months and death-dealing financial blows and the negative current is so strong most good people simply give up.

You are lucky because you can escape the bad news.  Your curiosity has brought you here and you’re going to turn the frightful economic experience into a money making opportunity. Salvaging your own income and life-style is your first step then you’ll be able to help other people and obtain the great satisfaction of enough money and new friends.

When you find the unmarked graves of major retailers you also start to understand what they did right and also what they did wrong.  In conjunction with HP Hewlett Packard, Canon, Epson, Lexmark, Dell and Brother you also have their global supply chain retail partners like Staples Inc. Wal-Mart, Sears, K-Mart, Office Depot, Office Max, Best Buy and dozens more like Circuit City that has been removed from the free enterprise marketplace.

Not so mysterious are the connections between O.E.M. Original Equipment Manufacturing Companies like with HP Hewlett Packard, Canon, Epson, Lexmark, Dell and Brother and their retail big box companies like Staples Inc. Wal-Mart, Sears, K-Mart, Office Depot, Office Max, and Best Buy. Working secretly these giant global organizations understand the O.E.M.’s must have supply chain distribution and retail networks to sell their products to consumers and the retailers must have highly profitable products to sell. This very day the harbors are full of cargo ships at the American shores with imported products that you will buy because you have little choice. The O.E.M.’s keep pumping the big box stores full of imported products thus eliminating millions more of American jobs that we need so badly.  Inkjet and laser toner printer cartridge customers are paying tens of dollars for something that might have cost a dollar.  The oceans are full of cargo ships and the skies are full of cargo planes carrying merchandise to your local distribution centers and retail stores. This wealth must be shared and our found has found the way where you can create your own income engine and navigate your own success.

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